April 2023
Our New Meeting Venue!
St. James Episcopal Parish
25 S. 3rd Street, Wilmington, NC 28401
Bishop Wright Room
Parking and room location:
WLTW can park in the parking lot on the corner of 4th St and Dock St, the First Citizens Bank parking lot across the street or on street parking right in front of the building.
The Bishop Wright Room is on the second floor. We can enter the building through the Cloister. Someone should be there to let you in or text Ann Moore at (910) 233-3780 and someone will come down to meet you.
Please Join Us for Our Next Meeting
Next Meeting Date: Thursday, April 6
Social: 6 pm Bring a bag dinner.
Our Program: 6:30pm
History of St. James Graveyard and Headstone Cleaning and Preservation (America 250!)
with Wes Clewis, Facilities Manager of St.James Parish
Find the Meeting
St. James Episcopal Parish
25 S. 3rd Street, Wilmington, NC 28401
Bishop Wright Room.
Parking and room location:
WLTW can park in the parking lot on the corner of 4th St and Dock St, the First Citizens Bank parking lot across the street or on street parking right in front of the building.
The Bishop Wright Room is on the second floor. We can enter the building through the Cloister. Someone should be there to let you in or text Ann Moore at (910) 233-3780 and someone will come down to meet you.
Upcoming Chapter Events & News
This Month’s Chapter meeting
Tour St. James Episcopal Parish Graveyard
We invite you to join us at our chapter meeting on Thursday, April 6th, for a unique opportunity to tour the historic graveyard at St. James Parish Episcopal Church with Wes Clewis, the Facilities Manager. Wes will guide us through the cemetery and share his knowledge of its history and notable figures buried there. He will also discuss headstone cleaning and preservation. The tour promises to be both educational and entertaining, providing a glimpse into Wilmington’s past and the lives of some of its most influential citizens. Don’t miss out on this special chapter meeting!
St. James Parish Episcopal Church in Wilmington, North Carolina, is home to a historic graveyard that has been in use since the early 18th century. The graveyard contains the final resting places of many notable figures from Wilmington’s past, including Thomas Atkinson, the first Anglican Bishop of North Carolina, and James Coor, a Revolutionary War soldier who went on to become a member of the North Carolina House of Representatives and a judge for the state’s superior court, and Isaac Bear, a prominent educator who founded the Williston Industrial School.
However, the graveyard is not just known for its historical significance. It is also said to be haunted by the ghosts of those buried there. Visitors have reported seeing apparitions and experiencing strange occurrences while exploring the graveyard, such as unexplained cold spots and disembodied voices.
One of the most famous legends associated with the graveyard is that of the “The Macabre Lady,” a ghostly figure who is said to roam the grounds at night. According to the legend, the Macabre Lady was a wealthy woman who was buried in the graveyard with a large sum of money. Her grave was later robbed by grave robbers, who were caught and executed. The legend says that the Macabre Lady’s ghost now haunts the graveyard, searching for her stolen treasure.
Save the Date
May 6, 2023 • 11am
Mark your calendars for our annual May luncheon! This year, we are excited to announce that we will be having a potluck luncheon at St James Parish Episcopal Church.
What better way to celebrate the arrival of spring than by coming together to share our favorite dishes and recipes with one another? We are inviting each member to bring their most treasured recipe and dish to the table, ensuring that we have a varied and delicious spread that everyone can enjoy.
The cost for this event is just $10 per person, and drinks will be provided. We will have a signup sheet available soon, so be sure to check your email for upcoming information.
Not only will this be an opportunity to indulge in some scrumptious food, but it will also be a chance to catch up with old friends and make new ones. So, let’s come together as a chapter and celebrate the joys of spring with this luncheon.
Don’t miss out on what promises to be a memorable event. We look forward to seeing you all there!
WLTW Is Going to the
123rd NCSDAR State Conference
April 27-30th
It’s time to celebrate, as our chapter delegates are heading to the 123rd NCSDAR State Conference from April 27th to 30th! Anne Moore, Autumn Leonard, Gina Thompson, Codi Alberti, Phyllis Edgerton, and Sherri Colvin Cane will be representing us at the conference.
The conference will provide our delegates with a unique opportunity to network with other DAR members from across the state, attend informative workshops, and participate in engaging discussions. The conference theme is “Liberty, Equality, and Justice for All,” and we are excited to hear from guest speakers who will be sharing their knowledge and expertise on this topic.
We are confident that our delegates will bring back valuable insights and ideas to share with our chapter. We encourage all members to support our delegates and wish them the very best for a successful and enjoyable conference.
Committee & Officer Reports
Vice Regent’s Report
Autumn Leonard
I am starting to work on the 2023-2024 yearbook. If you have a program that you are interested in or want to hear more information about please let me know. I will try to see how we can potentially fit it in.
Social Committee
Autumn Leonard
If anybody has any ideas for activities for this summer please let me know.
Yearbook Committee
Autumn Leonard
If anybody is interested in helping with the yearbook for this upcoming year, please let me know.
Women’s Issues Committee
Deborah Wallace
Family/Women Veterans-Month of the Military Child
April is designated as Month of the Military Child – a time to honor the sacrifices made by military families worldwide, with an emphasis on the experience of the dependent children of military members serving at home and overseas. Month of the Military Child is sponsored by other organizations such as the DoDEA.
Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger was responsible for establishing April as the Month Of The Military Child in 1986, and the Department of Defense has honored his initiative ever since. The month of April is an important one for children who have one or both parents serving in uniform. Since 1986 there have been an increasing number of awareness campaigns aimed at recognizing the needs of military children in all areas from coping with the deployment of parents to war zones to education of military dependents at on-base Department of Defense Dependent School System (DoDDS) campuses around the globe.
Conservation Committee
Jennifer Sturm
The conservation committee had the butterfly release party with four 1st grade classes at Bradley Creek Elementary School. The art portion included coloring and constructing butterfly hats, homeroom parents made snacks, and more than 200 new pollinators were released near the maintained water shed at the front of the property.
Continuing DAR Education
Keep up to date with your officer and committee roles and goals! Below are some of the classes, workshops, and webinars to assist in learning more about our DAR organizations and positions.
NCSDAR Spring Officer Training
Please join NCSDAR State Corresponding Secretary Adrienne Chafee and NCSDAR DAR Leadership Training Chair Susan Waldkirch for “Chapter Regent 101 – Training for Current Regents and Anyone Interested in Chapter Leadership” to be held at 2:00 PM on Thursday, April 27 at the NCSDAR State Conference.
This in-person training will be followed by a series of virtual chapter officer training workshops in May. Each of the topics below will be presented twice on the Zoom platform. Chapter Regents and Vice Regents – this is your chance to attend a wide variety of training related to the various responsibilities of your Chapter Board members.
Events Calendar
- Apr 3 – 1918 • Anniversary of America’s Creed
Apr 6 – Chapter meeting St James Episcopal Parish
- Apr 12 – 1776 • Anniversary of the Adoption of the Halifax Resolves
Apr 27-30 – NCSDAR State Conference, Sheraton Imperial Hotel, Durham/RTP, NC
Chapter Reminders for April
Please remember to record your Service to America volunteer hours earned over the year.
Happy Birthdays, Joys, and Concerns
Happy Birthdays:
Apr 21 • Kristin Bedford
Apr 21 • Heather LeBlanc
Continued prayer requests for
Susan Blackburn
Gina Thompson’s mother
Phyllis Edgerton’s father
Mona Copeland’s mother
The Spilt Tea is a bi-monthly newsletter of the
Wilmington Ladies Tea Walk Chapter, NSDAR
All photots courtesy of Wilmington Ladies Tea Walk Chapter, NSDAR,
photo archives unless noted otherwise.