March 2023
Our New Meeting Venue!
St. James Episcopal Parish
25 S. 3rd Street, Wilmington, NC 28401
Bishop Wright Room
Parking and room location:
WLTW can park in the parking lot on the corner of 4th St and Dock St, the First Citizens Bank parking lot across the street or on street parking right in front of the building.
The Bishop Wright Room is on the second floor. We can enter the building through the Cloister. Someone should be there to let you in or text Ann Moore at (910) 233-3780 and someone will come down to meet you.
Please Join Us for Our Next Meeting
Next Meeting Date: Thursday, March 2
Social: 6 pm Bring a bag dinner.
Our Program: 6:30pm
Presentation and discussion:
Insignia, What Is It?
Debbie Wallace
Find the Meeting
St. James Episcopal Parish
25 S. 3rd Street, Wilmington, NC 28401
Bishop Wright Room.
Parking and room location:
WLTW can park in the parking lot on the corner of 4th St and Dock St, the First Citizens Bank parking lot across the street or on street parking right in front of the building.
The Bishop Wright Room is on the second floor. We can enter the building through the Cloister. Someone should be there to let you in or text Ann Moore at (910) 233-3780 and someone will come down to meet you.
From The Regent
Spring Greetings Ladies,
It is certainly an early spring in Wilmington because everything is covered in a bright shade of green pollen! None the less, this too shall pass and we will be enjoying a beautiful spring with shades of pink and purple azaleas very soon.
We are moving right along with the chapter’s business of nominating new officers and planning for the May Luncheon. As always, the ladies on the nominating committee have worked diligently to present a new slate of officers. We appreciate all who have so graciously agreed to remain in their positions and thank each and everyone for their service and hard work.
Please remember to sign up for any events you would like to attend at the upcoming State Conference and to make your hotel reservations right away.
Happy Spring to all.
In DAR Sisterhood,
Chapter Highlights & Recent Events Gallery
Wilmington Ladies Tea Walk Celebrates the
247th Commemoration of the Battle of Moore’s Creek Bridge
Hosted by the North Carolina Society Sons of the American Revolution (NCSSAR).
On Saturday, February 25 Wilmington Ladies Tea Walk participated in the 247th Anniversary of the Battle of Moore’s Creek Bridge. The event is hosted every year by the National Park Service and the Son’s of the Revolution. Our chapter flag was carried by Vice Regent Autumn Leonard and our wreath was laid by Regent Ann Moore at the Grady Memorial.
The event started with an opening address by WECT’s John Evans, followed by talks from the National Park Service and the Sons of the American Revolution. The main event was a solemn processional and wreath laying at three monuments erected to commemorate the women who aided in the battle, the Loyalists who lost their lives in the battle and the sole Patriot, John Grady, to lose his life in the battle.
The park hosted a re-enactment camp complete with revolutionary era costume, culinary treats and musket fire. If you’ve never gone to this event, consider coming with us next year. It’s a true historical treat.
Upcoming Chapter Events & News
WLTW Genealogy Club State Archives Field Trip
March 11th
WLTW genealogy club – Daughters Researching Ancestors! is field tripping to the North Carolina State Archives to find our patriot ancestors. We are going Saturday, March 11th, for a day adventure with Archives tour guide, Doug Brown. The registration is closed but we hope to come back with information for the whole chapter on researching our Patriots and their families.
Saturday, March 11
Depart From:
Old Stein Mart Parking Lot
Hanover Center
Oleander Dr. & Independence Blvd.
Please be there at 6:45 am
for a 7:00am departure
Event Address:
109 E. Jones Street, Archives and Library Building
Raleigh, NC 27699
7 am Departure • Tour and Research 9am – 1pm •Lunch 1:15 • Homeward Bound 2:30pm
Join us in attending
123rd NCSDAR State Conference
April 27-30th
Plans for the 123rd NCSDAR State Conference are well underway. The State Conference Committee and District VII are looking forward to an increase in the number of attendees and are planning meetings and events that will highlight the State Society’s accomplishments and celebrate its award winners.
The Sheraton Imperial is completely sold out of our discounted group rate rooms. However, there are regular rate rooms still available if you prefer to be on the property. The Sheraton staff have made arrangements for us to receive the same group rate of $125.00 per night at the SpringHill Suites, 920 Slater Road, Durham, NC 27703.
This facility is across the street from the Sheraton Imperial Convention Center. The Sheraton has ample parking for those driving over to the Convention Center each day.
Committee & Officer Reports
Women’s Issues Committee
Deborah Wallace
The first Women’s History Day was held February 28, 1909 in New York City. It commemorated the one-year anniversary of the garment workers’ strikes when
15,000 women marched through lower Manhattan. From 1909 to 1910’s, immigrant women who worked in garment factories held a strike to protest their working conditions. Most of them were teen girls who worked 12-hour days. In one factory, Triangle Shirtwaist Company, employees were paid only $15 a week. describes it as a “true sweatshop.” Young women worked in tight conditions at sewing machines, and the factories’ owners didn’t keep the
factory up to safety standards. In 1911, the factory burned down and 145 workers were killed. It pushed lawmakers to finally pass legislation meant to protect factory workers.
In 1980, President Jimmy Carter declared the week of March 8 Women’s History Week across the country. By 1986, 14 states had declared the entire month of
March Women’s History Month and the following year, in March 1987, women’s organizations were successful in lobbying Congress to declare March Women’s History Month.
Conservation Committee
Jennifer Sturm
The Conservation Committee is gearing up for Earth Day and would like to invite you to consider “Work on Wilmington” as a way to celebrate and help the community at the same time. Please see the following from the Wilmington Chamber of Commerce;
Work On Wilmington is organized each year by the current class of Leadership Wilmington. Work on Wilmington brings people together to roll up their sleeves and tackle community problems in just four hours. Projects that would normally take many times longer are completed in just half a day. Volunteers participate in a variety of service projects throughout the community with a common goal: Make Wilmington a better place to live. Work On Wilmington works in partnership with community organizations to create meaningful, hands-on service projects that improve the quality of life and achieve tangible results.
A Project Leader from the 2023 Class will be on site at each project to assign tasks and get the day started.
Saturday Apr 22, 2023
8:00 AM – 12:00 PM EDT
Various locations within New Hanover County
Contact Information
Laura Primavera 910-762-2611 ext. 200
Continuing DAR Education
Keep up to date with your officer and committee roles and goals! Below are some of the classes, workshops, and webinars to assist in learning more about our DAR organizations and positions.
The 2023 NCSDAR Chapter Development and Revitalization Commission (CDRC)
Workshop will be held as a Zoom webinar on Saturday, March 4, 2023, 9:15 AM – 2:45 PM. The theme is “Let’s Focus on the Old North State.” Speakers will focus on the history of North Carolina migration, the formation of our 100 counties, North Carolina records, and finding female patriots.
Registration is required. Registration dates are February 1 – 26. Click here for the workshop schedule. Click here to register.
If you have questions about registration, please contact Susan Waldkirch.
Events Calendar
- Mar 15 -1781 — Anniversary of Battle at Guilford Courthouse
- Mar 2 – Chapter meeting St James Episcopal Parish
- Mar 11 -WLTW DAR Genealogy Club field trip
- Mar 24 -“DAR Day” at the Crossnore Winston-Salem campus
Chapter Reminders for March
Please remember to record your Service to America volunteer hours earned over the year.
All North Carolina Daughters are invited to the 123rd NCSDAR State Conference, scheduled for April 27 – 30, 2023, at the Sheraton Imperial Hotel and Convention Center, 4700 Emperor Boulevard, Durham, NC.
The Sheraton Imperial will begin taking room reservations at the blocked group rate of $125.00 beginning January 1 and ending March 29. To reserve a room, please use this link for a quicker and easier process.
You may also call the hotel directly at 919 941-5050, or Central Reservations at 800 325-3535 and reference the “NC3457” room block.
Friday, March 24 will be “DAR Day” at the Crossnore Winston-Salem campus. All North Carolina Daughters are invited to attend! This event is the first of its kind, as there has never been an event where all 7800+ Daughters were invited to come together at Crossnore for a single event.
Happy Birthdays, Joys, and Concerns
Happy Birthdays:
Mar 1 • Meghan Goomis
Mar 13 • Sandra Couch
Mar 19 • Lea Thompson
Mar 29 • Pamela O’Quinn
Kristin and Maddie Bedford
Please keep our Chapter Registrar Kristin and her daughter, our chapter member, Maddie in your prayers as they mourn a loss in their family.
Mona Copeland
Please keep Mona in your prayers as she continues caring for her mother after her recent stroke.
Susan Blackburn
Please continue to keep Susan, our dear friend and DAR sister, in your prayers while she is receiving treatment.
The Spilt Tea is a bi-monthly newsletter of the
Wilmington Ladies Tea Walk Chapter, NSDAR
All photots courtesy of Wilmington Ladies Tea Walk Chapter, NSDAR,
photo archives unless noted otherwise.